Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Blessed World (El Bendito Mundial)

In the future, beginning from about the year 2210 CE or so, the world will witness a great change for the better. A great leader living at that time, called the Son of the Spirit, will usher in the Blessed World (Bendito Mundial). The spirit behind this institution will be called Mundialism, and it simply means global harmony. So far, the world has been a stool on two instead of three legs. These two legs are law and religion. Law was established in the age of the father; religion came about in the age of the son, and Mundialism, the third leg of the world stool, will be instituted in the age of the spirit. In a similar way to how Facebook has swept the world and ushered in an age of connectivity on an international scale, the Blessed World institution will completely transform and inspire the world. It will be a lasting recipe for international peace and prosperity. In the age of the spirit, the age of Mundialism, there will be no more wars and no more conflict. The differences among nations and peoples will fade quite completely. Genocides will be literally unheard-of, disappearing completely from the dictionary. Ethnic conflicts; global disputes; global financial crises - all of these will similarly be unheard of. The world would be so mature and so peaceful that it would begin to resemble heaven. Any pain there might be then will exist only in individual hearts, in the hearts of those who do not tap into Mundialism. The technology of that age as well will be too fascinating to describe, and all of this will be brought about by the Blessed World organization. 
The Blessed World institution will be made of seven ecumenical congregations. These congregations will be called ecumenical because they will each be international, inter-ethnic, and interreligious. The individuals who work for them will be regular folks from diverse formative backgrounds, catering to a truly diverse world. Each of these congregations will be a multinational corporation, with branches all over the world, and they will all come under the umbrella of the Blessed World corporation. Think of a global multinational corporation with seven subsidiaries - that's like what I'm talking about. And the head of the Blessed World corporation will be the Son of the Spirit. The seven corporations making up the Blessed World will be: the Ecumenical Congregation of the African Child (AC); the Ecumenical Congregation of the Truth Council of Priests (TCP); the Ecumenical Congregation of the Truth Council of Peoples (TCM); the Ecumenical Congregation of Ecce Homo (EH); the Ecumenical Congregation of El Bendito Mundial (BM); the Ecumenical Congregation of Psychoanalytic Renaissance (CATPAR), and the Ecumenical Congregation of Operational Communicationism (OC).
The African Child Congregation (AC) will have its headquarters in an African nation, and it will be responsible for poverty alleviation among African youths and families. It will be a relief organization, a foundation dedicated to poverty alleviation and eradication not only in Africa, but also in any poor nation. It will provide food, clothing, shelter, medical supplies, child care, maternal care and every other physiological and security need among indigent populations, including for sufferers of natural disasters. For example, if the AC were around at the time of the Haiti earthquake, it would be at the forefront of relief efforts to the island nation. Economic differences are a cause for disharmony, and the AC will help to remove this difference. Next, the TCP will be a corporation dedicated to interreligious dialog, like an international arbiter of faith matters. It will be dedicated to the promotion of harmony among various religious groups around the world, in the interest of global peace. Religious differences are another cause for disharmony around the world, and the TCP will be able to end that. I think it will be located in Asia. More so, the TCM will be a corporation dedicated to multilateral peace, almost like the Commonwealth or the African Union, or the European Union, only with global and not regional outreach. It will collect nations together and help to facilitate peace among them; among all peoples. It will be located in Europe.
The EH will be a media corporation dedicated to creating awareness of global challenges. Using all the available media of the time, it will help to promote peace through creative news, analyses and public relations. It will shape a peaceful worldview for all peoples. Furthermore, the BM will be basically a bank and the parent corporation of the Blessed World institution, sharing a name with the entire super-corporation. It will be responsible for overseeing all the sibling congregations and keeping them afloat. Next, the CATPAR, like the AC, will be located in Africa and will be responsible for infrastructural and economic development on the continent and in every developing nation at the time. It, like the AC, will be dedicated to removing economic differences, only this time through the establishment of industries rather than through charity. The CATPAR will empower populations within developing nations to create their own jobs and improve their own economies, by tapping into the ideas of the geniuses there who, without the help of CATPAR and its loans, market, branding, mentoring and training opportunities, would otherwise have no way of building companies. In other words, the CATPAR will be responsible for creating the environments in developing countries conducive to the rapid growth of industrial economies. And the OC will be a set of grand private universities that will train all the staff of the Blessed World, and anyone else interested in learning all of its unique subjects, like spirituality, psychology and so on.
Periodically, each congregation will have an international ceremony called a partial session. At a partial session, an individual congregation will meet with all its stakeholders and celebrate the progress made in the period of celebration. Each congregation will be a public liability company as well as a charitable not-for-profit; using the goodwill and dedication of its staff, as well as the business interests of the public, to leverage itself. And every four years, all seven congregations will gather together to celebrate the Benials, a global event like the Olympics or FIFA World Cup, only much, much bigger. Each edition of the Benials will be greatly attended. The first edition of the Benials will likely take place in the year 2222 CE, and will feature artistic, economic and social events all celebrating humanity and world peace. The Son of the Spirit will be about 62 years old at the time, and will be called Servant of the Benials. The word Benial is taken from the first three letters of Bendito, Spanish for Blessed, and Mundial, Spanish for Global, and so the Benials refer to Blessed Global events, events to celebrate humanity, held once each four years.
The Blessed World will be a big, globally-transforming institution which nothing compares to. Before it comes on the scene there would  have been nothing quite like it, and it will last for as long as the world does, which is forever. Just as there will always be law and religion, there will then always be Mundialism to balance both out. Ushered in by the Son of the Spirit sometime after the year 2210 CE, the Blessed World institution will bring about a lasting age of peace, by removing economic, religious, social and cultural differences among peoples and putting paid to disputes. It will be a super-corporation established by the Son of the Spirit, who will be chosen by God from all time to establish it. He will be a great man, and will have the influence to create such an organization. He will be born in 2160 CE somewhere in New York. I'll talk about him tomorrow. Each congregation of the BM will be both a public liability company and a not-for-profit institution, tax exempt and productive. The genius of the Son of the Spirit will figure this all out. The Blessed World corporation will be the third leg of the world stool, where law and religion are the other two, and it will usher in a lasting age of the spirit to complement the two we've had so far: that of the father and that of the son. It will be an age of peace all over the world, a truly blessed world indeed.

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